Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Unholy by Paul DeBlassie III

The Unholy
by Paul DeBlassie III


GENRE: Thriller



Winner of the International Book Award and Pinnacle Book Award for Visionary Fiction! The Unholy is a dramatic story of Claire Sanchez, a young medicine woman, intent on discovering the closely-guarded secrets of her past. Forced into a life-and-death battle against an evil Archbishop, William Anarch, she confronts the dark side of religion and the horror of one man's will to power.


Excerpt :

Hush now, child,” said a voice she recognized as that of her mother’s closest friend. “The man cannot harm you, mijita, as long as you are with us. We will make him think you are dead. But you must be very quiet. Ya no llores,” the woman warned, raising a finger to her lips.

The woman then carried her into a dark cave illuminated by the light of a single candle. The cave was frightening, with shadows of what appeared to be goblins and demons dancing on the red sandstone walls. “I will return for you soon. You will be safe here,” the woman said. The girl watched the woman walk away, shivering as a breeze blew through the cave’s narrow passages.

Closing her eyes, she rocked back and forth—imagining herself safe in her mother’s arms—then opened her eyes to the light of the full moon shining through the mouth of the cave. The shadows on the walls were just shadows now, no longer goblins and demons. As she slipped into a trance, images flickered in her mind. She saw the woman who had brought her to this place scattering pieces of raw meat around the open mesa where her mother had
struggled, helped by two other women the girl could not identify.

Suddenly, the scene shifted to a stone ledge jutting over the mesa, and she heard the pounding footsteps of a man running toward the women. The girl felt her heart race and her breathing quicken, afraid that the bad man would spot them and kill them. Then the image shifted again, and she now saw on the mesa three gray wolves circling the raw meat and the man walking away from the granite ledge. As he left, she heard his thought: The child is dead.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D. is a depth psychologist and award-winning writer living in his native New Mexico. He specializes in treating individuals in emotional and spiritual crisis. His novels, visionary thrillers, delve deep into archetypal realities as they play out dramatically in the lives of everyday people. Memberships include the Author’s Guild, Visionary Fiction Alliance, Depth Psychology Alliance, International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, and the International Association for Jungian Studies.



Paul DeBlassie III will be awarding $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

JM author Interview: The Unholy 2020

Hello and welcome to my blog! Can you tell me a little about yourself, and how you became an author? I’ve been a psychologist/writer for thirty years. Real life traumas birthed the dramatic tale of The Unholy.

What is your book about?
The Unholy dramatizes the dark side of religion, supernatural powers operating behind the scenes of everyday happenings, and one woman’s struggle to break free.

Who is your hero/heroine? Is he/she based on someone in real life?
The media has reported hundreds of victims of the dark side of religion. The Unholy dramatizes my experience as a psychologist/writer with suffering people, their supernatural experiences, and the battle between life and death. The heroine stands alone against a dark power, decisions needing to be made, life hanging in the balance.

What are your favorite times for writing? Morning? Evening?
I write every day, morning, afternoon, evening. My favorite time to write is when the muse hops on my shoulder, whispers in my ear, and says it’s time now!

Who are your favorite authors? Did they influence your writing, and if so, how?
Contemporary indie writers like Shani Struthers, Sarah England, P.J. Reed, Theresa Crater, and Isobel Blackthorn rock out the world of supernatural thrillers. They’ve definitely made their mark on my storytelling.

Did you have a favorite book as a child? Did it influence your choice to become an author?
As a kid I loved reading Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, and loved Twilight Zone – yup, they made me want to write.


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